Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
ACRO-Members Announcement List for ACRO Members
ACRO-Transition ACRO Transition Committee
dev65 TC65 developers
Mailman [no description available]
PCSAR-External PCSAR external announcements
PCSAR-FirstCall Distribution of First Call List
PCSAR-Members Pincher Search and Rescue Members
Pincher-Peace Pincher Creek area people discuss peace
SARA-ContactAnnounce Announcing changes of contacts of SARA member organizations
SARA-Happenings SAR Alberta Happenings
SARA-LeadshpInstr Instructors for SAR Alberta's Basic Leadership course
SARA-NCRegion SAR Alberta NC Region
SARA-NERegion SAR Alberta NE Region
SARA-NWRegion SAR Alberta NW Region
SARA-Prevent Instructors and Coordinators of Preventive SAR from across Alberta.
SARA-SCRegion SAR Alberta SC Region
SARA-SRegion SAR Alberta S Region
SARA-Standards SARA Standards Committee

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